Seat Cleanser+
Encourages better hygiene standards – cleaner, more hygienic and well presented toilets

- Hygienically cleans surfaces such as toilet seats, flush handles and door locks
- Alcohol-based formulation leaves surfaces hygienically clean instantly
- Quick drying formulation for convenience and comfort
- ‘E-bag’ refill collapses fully as it empties, leaving less disposable waste
- ‘E-bag’ with integral nozzle reduces the risk of contamination
Vision 200 refills: 500+doses per refill. Vision 400 refills: 1000+ doses per refill.
Vision Shuffle – 2,500+ doses per refill. Vision Shuffle Mini – 1,500+ doses per refill
Vision Shuffle and Vision Shuffle Mini Seat Cleanser+ meet the requirements 0f: EN 1276 = Bactericidal Suspension test for disinfectants.
100% recyclable can

For sales, Pricing and Product Information contact:
+44 (0) 7973 840666
+44 (0) 7376 703301