Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene has always been the single most important way that we can reduce the spread of disease and infection. Now, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of handwashing has been recognised across the globe.
The NHS has created this video which shows the proper steps for effective handwashing, which is a useful reminder for everyone.
Handwashing and The General Public:
In 2015, it was estimated that only 26.2% of people around the world washed their hands after using the bathroom. As of 2019, that percentage was much higher for the UK – at an average of 76% – but it’s still low enough to make any Healthcare Professional grimace!
Now, there are handwashing posters (such as this one, published by the World Health Organisation) in nearly every public building in the UK, so there’s no excuse for poor handwashing practices!
Hygiene Vision Europe Ltd offer a range of High Quality Soap Systems for Hand Washing in our Vision Care Range
A number of handwashing charts such as the one below can be obtain on the World Wide Web.

Drying your hands is just as important!
Hands that haven’t been completely dried are more likely to have skin damage and risk infection. Wet hands are also more likely to be contaminated, as organisms are transferred more effectively on wet surfaces.
Hygiene Vision Europe Ltd also offer a range of hand Hygiene Gels to prevent the spread of germs. Available in dispenser and hand pump options.
A number of handrub charts such as the one below can be obtain on the World Wide Web.

Covid 19 infections and deaths are once again rising as we approach the winter season. We can all make a contribution to keep ourselves and others safe by regular hand washing and gel application.
Together we can defeat Covid 19.